Customer API Scope
Scopes | API Endpoint |
device:GetList | GET /api/v1/device/ |
device:GetDetail | GET /api/v1/device/id/:id |
device:GetDataUsage | GET /api/v1/device/datausage/id/:id |
device:GetScreenTime | GET /api/v1/device/screentime/id/:id |
device:GetApplication | GET /api/v1/device/app/id/:id |
device:GetLocation | GET /api/v1/device-location/id/:id |
device:GetLocation (bulk) | GET /api/v1/device-location/bulk |
Supported use cases:
- Admin displays all existing API (id, application, scopes).
- Admin creates an API Key for customer:
- Admin provides the application name and scopes.
- Admin can copy the key and give it to the customer.
- Admin updates the existing application and/or scopes.
- Admin regenerates new key (replace existing) for existing application:
- Admin can copy the key and give it to the customer.
- Admin deletes an existing API Key.
Provide information about devices in the list on the portal.
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- API Key can be obtained after create new API or Regenerate (API Key will appear on the top of page)
- Enterprise ID can be obtained from page Settings
Response field:
"id": "xGc7878Trrrrrr7xXck572xk",
"created_at": "2023-09-05T09:45:50.817+07:00",
"updated_at": "2023-09-05T12:43:10.472+07:00",
"last_connect": "2023-09-05T14:14:20+07:00",
"imei": "fesfgrgry5439e865",
"token": "a2RMNmZsNHBxJGhBWWFzUmdmVUaVB3NnZLZUt2MG5HajA9",
"enterprise_id": "whguCrwwQV5Hhf9EC",
"policy_id": "Ry6CGan5uuuYTHDhX6Q",
"play_emm_token": "oauth2_4/0Adeu5BW2HmWdZ2g4BjNSDr2ohyxw-oTVquqnvZPsA",
"fcm_token": "eA65WVE3KBpv9b14ru3T9tA1U7yhlDXWqOEFKpoSJqk8q_5_OKDn0m-K",
"management_mode": "BYOD",
"dpc_version": "2.9.4 - test byod",
"dpc_version_code": 120,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"model": "SM-A135F",
"brand": "samsung",
"android_version": "13",
"last_battery_update": "2023-09-05T14:12:46.367+07:00",
"remaining_battery": 64,
"battery_health": "GOOD",
"last_storage_update": "2023-09-05T14:12:46.369+07:00",
"remaining_storage": 117.1,
"storage_capacity": 96,
"manifest": {
"emm_id": "",
"enterprise_id": "whguCrwwQV5Hhf9EC",
"enterprise_color": "",
"enterprise_logo": "",
"enterprise_contact": "",
"enterprise_name": "Staging",
"eula_url": "",
"policy_id": "Ry6CGan5uuuYTHDhX6Q",
"server_url": "",
"onboarding_url": "",
"management_mode": "BYOD"
"device_info": {
"fcm_token": "eA65WVE3KBpv9b14ru3T9tA1U7yhlDXWqOEJqk8q_5_OKDn0m-K",
"batteryInfo": {
"capacity": "66%",
"chargeMedia": "",
"charging": "false",
"health": "GOOD"
"certificate": [],
"deviceSettings": {
"adbEnabled": false,
"developmentSettingsEnabled": false,
"encryptionStatus": "ENCRYPTION_ACTIVE_PER_USER",
"isEncrypted": true,
"verifyAppsEnabled": false
"hardwareInfo": {
"brand": "samsung",
"deviceBasebandVersion": "A135FXXWG1,S5CA135FCWXXS5G1",
"hardware": "exynos850",
"manufacturer": "samsung",
"model": "SM-A135F",
"serialNumber": ""
"imei": "fesfgrgry5439e865",
"imsi1": "",
"imsi2": "",
"memoryInfo": {
"totalInternalStorage": "117102850048",
"totalRam": "3886956544"
"networkInfo": {
"active_network": "wifi",
"wifi": {
"ssid": "unknown ssid",
"ip": "",
"strength": "-59 dB"
"gsm": {}
"operator1": "",
"operator2": "",
"softwareInfo": {
"androidDevicePolicyVersionCode": 120,
"androidDevicePolicyVersionName": "2.9.4 - test byod",
"androidSdk": "33",
"androidVersion": "13",
"androidVersionDetail": "A135F5CXXSWG1",
"primaryLanguageCode": "Indonesia"
"storageInfo": {
"memoryCapacity": "3,9 GB",
"memoryUsage": "53%",
"remainingStorage": "113,0 GB",
"storageCapacity": "117,1 GB",
"storageUsage": "4%"
"policy_name": "BYOD"
Provide information about detail device that exist on the portal.
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- Change :id with device id that exist on the portal
Response field:
"id": "xGc7878Trrrrrr7xXck572xk",
"created_at": "2023-08-29T15:28:09.278+07:00",
"updated_at": "2023-08-31T17:31:53.714+07:00",
"last_connect": "2023-08-31T17:34:48+07:00",
"imei": "35516666657571",
"enterprise_id": "whguwrwnfbHhf9QV5EC",
"policy_id": "bQyH2GyuaokT8io5xQyf9d",
"management_mode": "FULLY_MANAGED",
"dpc_version": "2.9.3",
"dpc_version_code": 119,
"status": "ACTIVE",
"model": "SM-G525F",
"brand": "samsung",
"android_version": "13",
"imsi1": "510583800930053",
"operator1": "Smartfren",
"last_battery_update": "2023-08-31T17:34:37.865+07:00",
"remaining_battery": 74,
"battery_health": "GOOD",
"last_storage_update": "2023-08-31T17:34:37.867+07:00",
"remaining_storage": 53.7,
"storage_capacity": 94,
"last_location_update": "2023-08-31T17:29:43.728+07:00",
"last_location": {
"lat": -7.149822185290424,
"lng": 110.77842407520029,
"accuracy": 25.0,
"altitude": 173.0,
"provider": "gps",
"caller": "LocationManager",
"inside_geofence": true,
"geofence_id": ""
"manifest": {
"emm_id": "",
"enterprise_id": "whguwrwnfbHhf9QV5EC",
"enterprise_color": "",
"enterprise_logo": "",
"enterprise_contact": "",
"enterprise_name": "Staging",
"eula_url": "",
"policy_id": "bQQ2GyyuaHio5xokT8yf9d",
"server_url": "",
"onboarding_url": "",
"management_mode": "FULLY_MANAGED"
"device_info": {
"fcm_token": "fvvzELk9TYezYFORa7cEXF29exoQ9ErF3i1D-QpP79tkfZW9fzqJzpwq",
"batteryInfo": {
"capacity": "74%",
"chargeMedia": "",
"charging": "false",
"health": "GOOD"
"certificate": [],
"deviceSettings": {
"adbEnabled": false,
"developmentSettingsEnabled": false,
"encryptionStatus": "ENCRYPTION_ACTIVE_PER_USER",
"isEncrypted": true,
"verifyAppsEnabled": false
"hardwareInfo": {
"brand": "samsung",
"deviceBasebandVersion": "G525G525FFXXU7CWE4,XXU7CWE4",
"hardware": "exynos850",
"manufacturer": "samsung",
"model": "SM-G525F",
"serialNumber": "RR8QQ0T602Y"
"imei": "355105115750071",
"imsi1": "510380509300583",
"imsi2": "",
"memoryInfo": {
"totalInternalStorage": "53726916608",
"totalRam": "3863560192"
"networkInfo": {
"active_network": "wifi",
"wifi": {
"ssid": "Vostra_Internasional",
"ip": "",
"strength": "-44 dB",
"macAddress": "98:9a:db0:8b:2c:a"
"gsm": {
"gsm1": {
"imsi": "510380509300583",
"operator": "Smartfren",
"strength": "-94 dB"
"operator1": "Smartfren",
"operator2": "",
"softwareInfo": {
"androidDevicePolicyVersionCode": 119,
"androidDevicePolicyVersionName": "2.9.3",
"androidSdk": "33",
"androidVersion": "13",
"androidVersionDetail": "G52U7CWE5FXX4",
"primaryLanguageCode": "Indonesia"
"storageInfo": {
"memoryCapacity": "3,9 GB",
"memoryUsage": "55%",
"remainingStorage": "50,7 GB",
"storageCapacity": "53,7 GB",
"storageUsage": "6%"
"policy_name": "Knowledgebase"
Provide information about data usage on each devices
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- Change :id with device id that exist on the portal
Response field:
"id": 51179,
"created_at": "2023-08-30T06:54:48.748+07:00",
"device_id": "Bs6QQQQYe7ubSVKHq2zkm",
"package_name": "others",
"mobile": 0,
"wifi": 8494261,
"start": "2023-08-29T00:00:00+07:00",
"end": "2023-08-29T23:59:59+07:00"
Provide information about screen time on each device.
curl --request GET \
--url https:/ \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- Change :id with device id that exist on the portal
Response field:
"id": 11778,
"created_at": "2023-09-05T08:56:04.212+07:00",
"enterprise_id": "whgbRR3HuCrHLfwnfhf9EC",
"device_id": "9cNYYrr8bCDTNpwjtgd6hH",
"package_name": "",
"policy_name": "BYOD",
"policy_id": "6P9SJgJXdn4xgvpgaq3CX4",
"screentime": 2,
"start": "2023-09-04T00:00:00+07:00",
"end": "2023-09-04T23:59:59+07:00"
Provide information about list of application that exist on device.
curl --request GET \
--url https:/ \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- Change :id with device id that exist on the portal
Response field:
"ID": 231697,
"device_id": "9cqq8bCgdDTNpwjtRAd6hH",
"updated_at": "2023-09-05T13:35:26.699+07:00",
"displayName": "Chrome",
"hasLauncher": true,
"isSystem": true,
"packageName": "",
"versionCode": 584516331,
"versionName": "116.0.5845.163"
Provide information about device location (specific device)
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- Change :id with device id that exist on the portal
Response field:
"created_at": "2023-08-22T15:24:08.545+07:00",
"imei": "855987660414488",
"accuracy": 23.055,
"altitude": 198.5,
"lat": -7.7952351,
"lng": 110.3102452,
"provider": "fused",
"geofence_id": "",
"inside_geofence": false,
"using_mock_location": false
device:GetLocation (Bulk)
Provide information about device location for all devices on the portal.
curl --request GET \
--url '<Fill with Start date>&enddate=<FIll with End date>' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <YourAPIKey>' \
--header 'x-enterprise-id: <YourEnterpriseID>'
- Start and End date format is YYYY-MM-DD
Response field:
"id": 54965,
"accuracy": 22.5,
"created_at": "2023-08-10T12:03:14.648+07:00",
"imei": "356787873171325",
"lat": -8.1909913,
"lng": 112.0855203,
"provider": "fused",
"inside_geofence": true,
"using_mock_location": false